What is engineering?
Engineers can be distinguished from other professionals by their ability to solve complex problems and implement solutions in cost effective ...
What is dual education?
Dual programs in higher education set up a balance between practice-orientated and theoretical learning Higher education in many countries around ...
Pilot implementation of the practice-integrated dual curriculum in DYNAMIC project
3 undergraduate programs in the field of Mechatronics and Robotics, Shipbuilding and Construction and Mechanical Engineering and Production will prepare ...
First regional focus group meeting under the project “DYNAMIC” in Pula, Croatia
Participants introduced the designing of a dual educational plan between teaching and practical processes on undergraduate study program of Polytechnic ...
First meeting under the project “DYNAMIC” in Wismar, Germany
The project coordinator Hochschule Wismar – University of Applied Sciences Technology, Business and Design, welcomed 26 participants from 16 partner ...