Unique opportunity to share, learn and network
From 16 till 19 October 2019 Sibiu, Romania will be host of the 9th Balkan Region Conference on Engineering and Business Education (BRCEBE) & 12th International Conference on Engineering and Business Education (ICEBE).
The BRECEBE Conference is organised by the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu and the Hochschule Wismar every 2 years with broad participation of engineering, technology and business education stakeholders from around the globe. The conference is part from the planned DYNAMIC dissemination activities. The DYNAMIC project will have keynote speakers, a panel session of papers with a main focus on the dual higher education in Science & Technology Studies, and a dedicated workshop on dual higher education to learn from specifics and experience of DYNAMIC. The project team will also hold a meeting during the period.
The conference’s mission is to disseminate recent research findings and development outcomes in engineering and business education as well as capacity building, with a focus on interdisciplinary and cross-cultural collaboration. This conference offers a unique opportunity for academics, practitioners and students from around the globe to share their knowledge, concerns and perspectives on educational environment and mind-set, suitable for the development of innovative tech-products, tech-apps, business-processes, business-models and personal development with a global and local impact.
The main topics of the 9th BRCEBE & 12th ICEBE 2019 are:
- Entrepreneurship education and research; Cooperation between academia and business
- New curricula development, Multimedia, and innovative new methods for engineering and business education
- Knowledge management, quality management, sustainability in engineering and business education
- Lifelong learning
- Dual study programmes
- Social and philosophical aspects of engineering and business education
- Management of engineering and business institutions
- HCI (Human Computer Interaction) applications for educational purposes
- National culture innovation and education development, and the heritage and the development of national culture under economic globalization
For more information about the conference programme, participation and conferences fees, please visit: http://conferences.ulbsibiu.ro/brcebe/ We hope to see you there.